Modular approach in Coded UI Testing

Coded Ui Testing is not a very simple Automation Testing Approach and the challenges that come across while we approach the same is even more complex. The very recent issue we have come across is some Script Maintenance in the Coded UI Test files that have been executed to generate some positive ROI in the very near future.

Coded Ui Test generation is a very simple Automation testing technique with lots of support available in the internet.
  • Keep all the code blocks modular, small, simple.
    Codes must not be having more than any one function flow such as create a mail account.
  • When putting any validations as Verification or assertion points, avoid using multiple in one function block.
  • There might be some code flow alteration in the Navigation path of the application, hence the Navigation flow code script must be free from the functional flow points.
  • Uimap.cs File is a Partial class file that can be used to an optimal extent by bringing in the feature of code Reusability and hence a lot more script maintenance ease.
  • Do keep in mind that the UImap.cs codes must not have any dependence on any script block that might be brought to any us.
  • When we enter the Script maintenance phase do not recode anything from fresh , just avoid re recording, and prefer  Code customization along with the partial class file.
Inspite of all this norms if at all the script maintenance is a seemingly big risk to proceed with, adopt some framework, such as complete customized approach for all possible event driven activities, such as a single function block that can handle all types of button clicks. A single function block that can handle all types of link click.

However this type of approach has lost its relevance as in the current Automation Scenario, we aim to generate some quick ROI rather than depending on the old outdated Regression based script execution to be processed upon to meet some ROI.

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