عرض المشاركات من يونيو, ٢٠١٠

MySql Commands Names

Here are listed the most commonly used MYSQL Statements and clauses , mysql commands ALTER DATAB…

MySql Commands

This is a list of handy MySQL commands that I use time and time again. At the bottom are statements…

Algorithm Complexity -3

BIG O NOTATION In mathematics, computer science, and related fields, big O notation  (also known a…

Algorithm Complexity -2

Complexity measures For a precise definition of what it means to solve a problem using a given amo…

Algorithm Complexity -1

Computational complexity theory is a branch of the theory of computation in computer science and m…

VbScrirpt Registry Modification

This article describes how to fix the IconWindow shutdown problem using VBScript. The shutdown prob…

VbScript - File Checker

At times, when programming with VBScript , a programmer will want to know if a file exists prior to…

Vbscript - Remote Execution

VBScript can be written in any text-editing software, even Notepad. Learning the fine art of script…

VbScript - Read File

How to read a txt file using the VbScript programming ?    1.      Create a Text File       C…

QTP Action Versus Function

Actions vs Functions in QTP 9.0 When deciding whether a piece of code should go in a reusable act…


What is Document object Model? A platform- and language-independent standard object model for repr…

QTP Recipe is simple

You should learn the following: VBScript QTP uses VBScript language. That's why strong kn…

XML Part 1

The following JavaScript fragment loads an XML document function loadXMLDoc(dname) { if (window…

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