Vbscript Coding In QTP

In the below article we will discuss the following topics related to the VBScripting in QTP.
  1. While .. Wend Looping In QTP.
  2. For ...Loop Handling In QTP VBScript.
  3. If ...End If Handling in VBScript in QTP.
  4. Usage of For...Each Loop in QTP Vbscripting.
  5. ChildObjects in QTP.
  6. LoadAndRunAction method.
  7. ReDimUsage in Vbscripting QTP.
  8. SystemUtil Usage in VbScripting  QTP.
  9. ExecQuery
  10. IE.Terminate()
  11. Associated library :
  12. Action Code :
  13. The LoadAndRunAction method allows calling any Action for Local system or Quality center at run-time.

Regular Expression in VBScript in QTP :
Dim text
text = ""

Dim rgx
Set rgx = New RegExp
rgx.IgnoreCase = True
rgx.Global = True
rgx.Pattern = "([A-Za-z]{3,9})://([-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@{1})?([-A-Za-z0-9\.]+)+:?(\d+)?((/[-\+~%/\.\w]+)?\??([-\+=&;%@\.\w]+)?#?([\w]+)?)?"

Dim match, matches
Set matches = rgx.Execute(text)
For Each match in matches
  MsgBox match.Value, 0, "Found Match"

'Launch a notepad window :
SystemUtil.Run "notepad.exe"
'Close the window just launched using the exact title :

SystemUtil.CloseProcessByWndTitle "Untitled - Notepad"
'Launch a notepad window
SystemUtil.Run "notepad.exe"
'Close the window just launched using a pattern string
SystemUtil.CloseProcessByWndTitle ".*Notepad", True
CloseDescendentProcesses can be used to close any process launched by QTP. The code below illustrates the usage
'Launch explorer
SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe"
'Launch excel using COM
Set oXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oXL.Visible = True
'Close processes launched by QTP. This will close
'the internet explorer and Excel as well

While Browser("creationtime:=0").Exist(0)
    'Close the browser

'Create a description for browser
Set oBrowser = Description.Create
oBrowser("micclass").Value = "Browser"
Set oPage = Description.Create
oPage("micclass").Value = "Page"
'Get all browsers
Set allBrowser = Desktop.ChildObjects(oBrowser)
Dim i, iCount
iCount = allBrowser.Count - 1
For i = 0 To iCount
    'Get the page object from the browser
    Set oPg = allBrowser(i).ChildObjects(oPage)(0)
    'Get the URL of the
    If InStr(oPg.GetROProperty("title"), "Quality Center", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
        'Close the browser
    End If
By now you must be wondering about the line
'Get the page object from the browser
Set oPg = allBrowser(i).ChildObjects(oPage)(0)

'Name/IP of the computer
sComp = "."
'Get the WMI object
Set WMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & sComp & "\root\cimv2")
'Get collection of processes for with name iexplore.exe
Set allIE = WMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'iexplore.exe'")
'Loop through each process and terminate it
For Each IE in allIE

'Create the shell application object
Set shlApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
'Get all open windows collection
Set allWins = shlApp.Windows
'Loop through each window and close if IE
For Each window In allWins
    If InStr(window.fullName, "iexplore.exe") Then
        'Close the IE window
    End If

Dim windows2Close
'Initialize with negative upper bound
ReDim windows2Close( -1)
'Create the shell application object
Set shlApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
'Get all open windows collection
Set allWins = shlApp.Windows
'Loop through each window and close if IE
For Each window In allWins
    'Close all IE windows but ignore Quality Center
    If InStr(window.fullName, "iexplore.exe") And InStr(Window.LocationURL, "/qcbin/") = 0 Then
        'Increase the array size by 1
        ReDim Preserve windows2Close(UBound(windows2Close) + 1)
        Set windows2Close(UBound(windows2Close)) = Window
    End If
'Loop through all array elements and close each window
For Each Window In windows2Close
Function DeleteIECookies()
    Set oWebUtil = CreateObject("Mercury.GUI_WebUtil")
End Function
Function DeleteFFCookies()
    Dim FSO, cookiePath
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    cookiePath = GetFFCookiesPath()
    If FSO.FileExists(cookiePath) Then FSO.DeleteFile cookiePath
End Function
Function GetFFCookiesPath()
                    Dim FSO, oShell
                    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
                    Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
                    If InStr(Environment("OS"),"Vista") Then
                                         Dim sUserProf
                                         sUserProf = oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERPROFILE%") & "\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles"
                                         GetFFCookiesPath = ""
                                         If FSO.FolderExists(sUserProf)  Then
                                           Set oFolder =  FSO.GetFolder(sUserProf)
                                           If oFolder.SubFolders.Count> 0 Then
                                                             'oFolder.item(0) throws an error, so we use a workaround to find the first folder                
                                                             For each oFolder in oFolder.SubFolders
                                                                                 Exit For
                                                             'Set oFolder = oFolder.item(0)
                                                             Dim sPath
                                                             sPath = oFolder.Path
                                                             If FSO.FileExists(sPath & "\Cookies.txt") Then
                                                               GetFFCookiesPath = sPath & "\Cookies.txt"
                                                             End If
                                           End If
                                         End If
                                         Err.raise vbObjectError + 1, "GetFFCookiesPath", "This function has not yet been implemented for your OS - " & Environment("OS") 
                    End if
End Function
Function Login(username, password)
                    oUserTxt.Set username
                    oUserPwd.Set Ucase(password)
End Function
ExecuteFile PathFinder.Locate("LoginUpdate.vbs")
Associated library :

Function NewMsgBox(Message)
                    Print "The user says – " & Message
End Function

Dim fnPtrNewMsgBox
Set fnPtrNewMsgBox = GetRef("NewMsgBox")

Action Code :

Dim MsgBox

Set MsgBox = fnPtrNewMsgBox

Msgbox "Tarun"

The advantage of this approach is that we can use the original MsgBox function as well in the NewMsgBox method which was not possible with the earlier approach
orkaround to that I decided to use a new ActualParams objects. So the Library was updated as
Dim ActualParams

'By default we will use the component parameters
Set ActualParams = Parameter

Function App_Login()
                    Browser("X").Page("X").WebEdit("UserName").Set ActualParams("UserName")
                    Browser("X").Page("X").WebEdit("Password").Set ActualParams("Password")
End Function
Now I can use the function as below in my component
'Call with component parameter
Call App_Login

Dim DummyParams
Set DummyParams = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
DummyParams("UserName") = "Tarun"
DummyParams("Password") = "Tarun" ' Do remember that password field should be first encrypted

'Set the Actual parameters be used in Function as DummyParams
Set ActualParams = DummyParams
Call App_Login

'Rest of the functions to use the component parameters
Set ActualParams = Parameter

The LoadAndRunAction method allows calling any Action for Local system or Quality center at run-time.

LoadAndRunAction(TestPath, ActionName, [Iteration], [Parameters])
'Get the Test type
TestType = DataTable.Value("TestType",dtGlobalSheet)

'Load and call the Action
LoadAndRunAction "C:\Framework\Tests\Actions", TestType

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