- Tools. Contains the following utilities and tools that assist you with the testing process:
- Additional Installation Requirements. Opens the Additional Installation Requirements dialog box, which displays any prerequisite software that you must install or configure to work with QuickTest.
- HP Micro Player. Opens the HP Micro Player, which enables you to view captured movies of a run session without opening QuickTest. For more information, click the Help button in the HP Micro Player window.
- License Validation Utility. Opens the License Validation utility, which enables you to retrieve and validate license information. For more information, click the Help button in the License Validation Utility window.
- Password Encoder. Opens the Password Encoder dialog box, which enables you to encode passwords. You can use the resulting strings as method arguments or Data Table parameter values (tests only). For more information, see Inserting Encoded Passwords into Method Arguments.
- QuickTest Script Editor. Opens the QuickTest Script Editor, which enables you to open and modify the scripts of multiple tests and function libraries, simultaneously. For more information, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
- Register New Browser Control. Opens the Register Browser Control Utility, which enables you to register your browser control application so that QuickTest Professional recognizes your Web object when recording or running tests. For more information, see the section on registering browser controls in the HP QuickTest Professional Add-ins Guide.
- Remote Agent. Activates the QuickTest Remote Agent, which enables you to configure how QuickTest behaves when a component is run by a remote application such as Quality Center. For more information, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
- Save and Restore Settings. Opens the Save and Restore Settings dialog box, which enables you to save certain existing configurations before uninstalling a QuickTest 9.2 or older version, and then restore them after installing a new version. For more information, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
- Silent Test Runner. (Relevant only for tests) Opens the Silent Test Runner dialog box, which enables you to run a QuickTest test the way it is run from LoadRunner and Business Availability Center. For more information, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
- Test Batch Runner. (Relevant only for tests) Opens the Test Batch Runner dialog box, which enables you to set up QuickTest to run several tests in succession. For more information, see the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide.
- Test Results Deletion Tool. Opens the Test Results Deletion Tool dialog box, which enables you to delete unwanted or obsolete results from your system according to specific criteria that you define.
- Check for Updates. Checks online for any available updates to QuickTest Professional. You can choose which updates you want to download and (optionally) install.
- QuickTest Professional. Opens the QuickTest Professional application.
- Readme. Opens the HP QuickTest Professional Readme, which provides the latest news and information on QuickTest Professional and the QuickTest Professional add-ins.
- Test Results Viewer. Opens the Test Results window, which enables you to select a component or business process test and view information about the steps performed during the run session. For more information, see The Test Results Window.
- Printer-Friendly Documentation. Opens a page that provides links to printer-friendly versions of all QuickTest documentation, in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) format.
- QuickTest Automation Reference. Opens the QuickTest Professional Automation Object Model Reference. The automation object model assists you in automating test management, by providing objects, methods and properties that enable you to control QuickTest features and configurations. The Automation Object Model Reference provides syntax, descriptive information, and examples for the objects, methods, and properties. It also contains a detailed overview to help you get started writing QuickTest automation scripts.
- QuickTest Professional Code Samples Plus. Opens the QuickTest Professional Code Samples Plus Help, which provides sample function libraries, code, and SDK samples with accompanying explanations.
- QuickTest Professional Help. Opens a comprehensive help file containing the HP QuickTest Professional User Guide, the HP QuickTest Professional for Business Process Testing User Guide, the HP QuickTest Professional Add-ins Guide, the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference (including the relevant sections for any installed add-ins), QuickTest Advanced References (Automation API and XML Schema references), and the Microsoft VBScript Reference.
- Tutorial. Opens the QuickTest Professional tutorial, which teaches you basic QuickTest skills and shows you how to start testing your applications.
How to Use Tools Of QTP :
- Flight. Opens a sample flight reservation Windows application. To access the application, enter any username and the password mercury.
- Mercury Tours Web site. Opens a sample flight reservation Web application. This Web application is used as a basis for the QuickTest tutorial. For more information, see the HP QuickTest Professional Tutorial.
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